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At 1:38 PM,
war put more number in military scoreboard
Yeah, and war certainly put more death number in the scoreboard
war brings TV more money
war brings a megalomaniac leader more budget in his pocket
there is always a group of people who benefits from any situation: people in power and people with money who wants to make more money
war brings artilery typhoon glory
and makes the other artillery down with the typhoon
war keep the third country claimed their free fall into lower league
isn't that sad?
war is a road of produce and consume
yeah..producing and consuming weapons of mass destruction
war is the mean of economy
and economy that built these so called human civilization.
if that really is the case, then we need to start calling ourselves uncivilized
as long as there are human
no war can be stopped
yeah..you're probably right...
war put more number in military scoreboard
war brings TV more money
war brings artilery typhoon glory
war brings a megalomaniac leader more budget in his pocket
war keep the third country claimed their free fall into lower league
war is a road of produce and consume
war is the mean of economy
and economy that built these so called human civilization.
as long as there are human
no war can be stopped...