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Thursday, June 22
Do I look like...?
When browsing through the internet, I came across this website that claims to offer a face recognition technology to personal photos and family trees. The technology would recognize the structure of your face and match it to your family tree photos. That is not what excites me, though. What does is that the site also has a database of celebrity pictures. Hahaha....

So, in the name of 'iseng dan nggak ada kerjaan', you can guess what I did. Yup...I loaded one of my pic, and let the site scan it and run it against its celebrity database. Then, the site produced a list of celebrity whose face structure supposedly match mine. Pingin tau hasilnya? Okay.....

Yup, ini gue

And here goes the results....

Gong Li....62 %
Hmm...the Asian beauty....so it turns out I look like her? okay deh.....Not complaining...:)

Sammi Cheng...59%
Not really sure who she is, kayaknya sih she is a singer or some kind of artist from Taiwan (or Hongkong? Yah..daerah sekitar situ lah). But...still...not complaining......

Chelsea Clinton....56%
Okay, it is getting weird. Never thought I look like her at all! Rambut gue ga kaya cacing gitu...

Audrey Hepburn...55%
Woooow..cool! I'm a Classic Beauty!! (*Narciss mode on, disusul dengan Minta Digampar mode*)

Heidi Klum....51%
Okay...not that I don't like being matched with her, but come on.....me? Heidi Klum? 51%? mmm.....perhaps the more correct statement should be my 'size' is 51% smaller than hers

Toni Morrison.....52%
Will I be looking like her in my golden age? Maybe.....Kali aja gue dapet nobel juga..

Janie Tienphosuwan...61%
Ga tau sapa. Who is she??? Ada yang kenal??

Tom Cruise...54%
Huh???!! Si Cakep yang sinting. Blah!! Sumpah...gue ga punya jenggot..

If you have nothing to do, or if you are really bored, or kalo lagi iseng kaya gue, you can go to Myheritage.com and nyoba sendiri. Hehehe.....

posted by FLaW at 5:01 PM | Permalink |


  • At 7:43 PM, Blogger L. Pralangga

    My dear,

    It was great to have conversed with you that fine morning in Monrovia :)

    As to personality feature - you are as uniquely interesting and fascinating as others. You are you and no one can not be like uniquely yours. I am confident that as time progresses, you'd turn out to be an inspiring personality towards others.

    Hugs and kisses from West Africa, indeed.:)

  • At 2:20 PM, Blogger ime'

    koekoekeokeokeoekoekoekoek... tom cruise ternyata cewek yah? =))=))=))

    heheheheh... lagi jalan-jalan... abis, gak ada shout box-nya, jadi gue teriak disini deh ;) met kenal yeee ;)

  • At 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous


    eh, cobain donk pake foto gwe...qeqqqeqqe


  • At 9:21 PM, Blogger Mariskova

    Wah, Audrey Hepburn looh...

  • At 1:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Wah, ga ada kerjaan kaleeee...
    Ngeliatin website gituan.
    "tectona grandis : iya, gue ga ada kerjaan, hihihihi..."
    a a u u :(|)

  • At 4:07 AM, Blogger CacingKepanasan

    Jenggotan?? tom Cruise?? huehe..he..he..he.. :D

  • At 9:23 AM, Blogger Humour and last laugh

    very interesting technology.

  • At 8:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    wah... saya malah dituduh mirip pamela anderson!!! Apa karena pipi saya tembem lalu disamain ama pamela... eh pamela apanya sih yang tembem? huahahahaha salam kenal!

  • At 11:13 AM, Blogger FLaW

    heiii....piye suroboyo?? gmn kabar nyokap lu??? wakakakak....

    tengkyu yah....situ emang inspiring...:)

    iya....tom cruise tny cewek. suntik hormon kali dia jadi bisa jenggotan gitu....huehehehe..

    pi...nyoba pake poto lu? poto yg sebelum mbelendung apa yg pas mbelendung nih? hehehe...

    ho oh...classic, bo...hihi..

    tectona_grandis: udah nyobain blum?
    agus: blum..gue takut ah, takut ga ada yang match sama foto gue...:(

    padahal dagu gue mulus...lus...loh, cing!! :(

    [humour and last laugh]
    haha...you should try it, then! :)

    [bang pi'i]
    wadaaw...pamela anderson??? huahahaha....kalo pamela sih yang tembem...*@!#*-nyah...:):):)

  • At 1:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    eh, foto gue boleh masuk nggak?