As I was writing this post, I actually had a doubt as to whether or not I would publish it, in fear that people will find the topic lame or old. But surprisingly, after saving my writing I was actually engaged in several conversations with several different people, and believe it or not, without me having to bring out the topic, these conversations were all about the 'L' word. Adding to my surprise, I read another friend's blog and found out that he had just posted a writing about love. I guess the topic is not getting old, so I decided to just go ahead with my writing and post it here. Hahaha…
Okay, so here is the question. How would you define love?
One might say love is when you are feeling strongly towards other person(s), and the feeling puts you at a place where you are ready to sacrifice almost anything for their happiness
Another might argue that would not be love, instead that would be lust or crush. Love should not be about sacrificing yourself. Love should be about commitment and compromise.
Some others might also say that love is indefinable and they would not dare to define love.
Some disappointed ones might say love is bull#$% and they don’t believe in love
And the list goes on…..
But how would I define love?
I am not going to quote any definition of love from any sites or from any other sources because I believe love comes from the heart (suit…suit…). But, here are some situations in which I (with capital I) think love would be best described:
Love is when you could feel the present of someone in the air you breath even though the person is not physically there with you
Love is when you think you are close to someone, yet you have a dream about someone else from the past (or is it not love, then? Hehe..)
Love is when you got a call from someone asking you whether you have had your lunch, in the middle of an important meeting with an important client, yet you are still smitten by the call and you don’t care what the client thinks of you.
Love is when you still remember every detail of the last day you were with someone, including the detail of the clothes you and the other person were wearing, before that person left you to seek a new life at a different place (hey, at least it is love for someone with an advanced memory loss like I am)
Love is when you still remember what were the first words a person said to you when the two of you met for the first time (okay, again to my defense, when you are as forgetful as I am, this could mean love, people!)
Love is when there is a song that constantly reminds you of someone every time you listen to it, under any circumstances
Love is when your mom worries about the eating habit of your dad
Love is when you are busy writing your thesis and you have no time to do grocery shopping, and your mom comes to visit you. Then, when there is no drinking water left at home she says it’s okay for her to drink soda although she never likes it.
So, in a nutshell, what do I think about love?
I would say love is all around and it is there for everybody to reach.
To experience love, you should not waste your time to define it (like I just did). Hehe….
Instead, you should just feel it…..
yaa love is can not define such great energy in a better words coz interpretation may differ.
Love is never a lame subject. Unless ur leaving in denial... alias munafik ato that person is not expressive enough to show it. I found that out from relationship i've experienced myself (and tentunya jg dr curhat2an temen gw). Different people have different ways to show how they feel. Kadang bisa cocok ma pasangannya... sum would just accept it (alias pasrah) or known as sacrifice as mentioned by flaw. (again sacrifice has different meaning depends on conditions).
Tp terlepas dr itu, ada yg ga mo terima kekurangannya itu...and decided to break up!! Last resort when there are no ways to compromise.
yaaah... it's sad...nothing/no one will ever beperfect. but let me try to define love:
"love is a virtual energy fluctuates when there are action and response"
(kalo bhs indonya sih...sebab akibat). Passionate about bits and pieces of each others life without being possesive. Love is a matter of expression and patience. not necessarily have to be physical (inget yaah :p) ...
mmmhh.. aduh...udah mulai susah nih... intinya sacrifice pasti ada...(masa mo menang sendiri). Gak mesti yg manja2 lah...ato romantic all the time (literally speaking). Make it fun!!
So let me conclude this...
"the answer of a perfect relationship is when you give the right love(how and when, depends on you), that makes your love ones realize that your are all he/she needs to share his/her heart and life with."
PS: this is not to be consumed by monkeylovers or love player. Need to mentally grow up to understand this type of issues.